1: What did you learn?
- How did you put what you learned into action at school? Personally?
Personally and at school I've been going crazy with the Bitmoji extension for Chrome, adding it to emails, presentations, and student essays for reactions. The kids and I both get a kick out of it. I've also been going crazy with Quizlet Live lately with Regents right around the corner.
- Did you expand your Personal Learning Network? Make new professional connections?
It was great having other educators in the groups and I also shared my tips and findings with my East colleagues.
- What challenges did you face during the workshop?
- Any big “fails”? Any huge successes? What did you learn from failing and succeeding?
My biggest challenge was time and while I did not have any big "fails" my biggest success is using Quizlet Live. The kids love it, they have to collaborate and I don't have to do much to run it!
- Were there projects that didn’t work out well for you?
Not that I can say!
2: What’s next?
- Did you start some projects that you’ll be following up on in the future?
I haven't started it yet but next year when I do my PSA project again with my Freshmen I do want to try and get some of them to use a green screen
- Are you planning to share what you’ve learned with others?
Yes I've started sharing with my department and my other friends at East.
- What other professional development projects will you be pursuing?
Next October myself and the technology committee at East will be running a tech "bootcamp" with each of us running different sessions on different topics?
3: Did you like learning this way?
- I loved learning this way. I was able to work at my own pace and discover things for myself. I felt very comfortable reaching out for help and I would definitely recommend this PD to everyone! Great job and thank you so much for putting this together!
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