Saturday, April 7, 2018

Thing 37: Green Screen Fun

Green screens are super fun and something a lot of students are interested in with the rise of paid Youtubers. At East we have professional green screens for news casting and such but at my charter school with limited technology I made my own with PVC pipe and green screen cloth although now they have green screen paint at Lowes. My favorite video editor to use with students and green screens is WeVideo because it is easy to use and has a ton of free materials. I had students this winter create PSAs on environmental issues using their phones, chromebooks, and a green screen for the PSA. They had a blast and did a really nice job. I also like the idea of book talks using the green screens or maybe even a report pretending to be a historical figure. I know teachers on Youtube like to make corny music videos with green screens. I think there should be a Green Screen in every department although I wish that the Chromebooks had better video editing software. I know there are also phone apps that the students use for green screens too!

For anyone thinking of tackling a Green Screen project this is a site I've used with students for free background footage! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge fan of anything built w PVC! My dad trained me welll. :) Would love to see a photo of how you put it together. And thanks for the green screen footage site link. Great resource.
